Lone Oak Hill

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Lone Oak Hill

In the spring of 2008---long after the birth of this wikispace and the posting of David Chapple's photo of Lone Oak Hill on the opening page---the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District (MROSD) introduced a new logo. As noted in a ( [1] ):

OPEN SPACE LOGO PATCHES TELL A STORY ... The board of directors of the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District just adopted a new logo, featuring a soaring red-tailed hawk, a hill with a single oak tree and a depiction of the sea surf, in spiffy modern colors. The sea represents the annexation of coastal lands in San Mateo County in recent years while the hill bears a striking resemblance to Lone Oak Hill on a district preserve near the top of Page Mill Road. That preserve was once occupied by The Land commune back in the 1970s — members and friends of which are celebrating the commune's 30th anniversary of its demise at a reunion next weekend, capped by a nostalgic gathering on Lone Oak Hill on Sunday. [...]

Did MROSD appropriate---without credit---the design in David Chapple's photo? You decide.

