RobynClare's Page
Robyn(Clare)at the presentation given at the Lucy B Stern Center during the fight to save "The Land."
Welcome to Paradox
It was move-in day and I had driven my car (loaded with my belongings) to the bottom of the road next to Lone Oak and began packing things into the backlands. While returning for my second armload, I found a scathing note on the windshield: "Who gave you permission to live here, what are you doing driving a car into the backlands, and above all what would someone driving a new Volvo be doing living on The Land in the first place?" signed, Purusha.
As I was digesting my giant faux pas and trying to figure out who was in change, Purusha appeared and let me know I need look no further: The apparent Lord of meadows, arbiter of housing, Elder with a Holy name, was mad at me…....yikes!!!
I returned to the barn and shared the encounter and my confusion with a group of people who were passing a joint and sitting in the sunshine. I kept asking about the "rules" and about what to make of Purusha, Was he the boss, did I have to leave, what was the road map to occupancy? Everyone was happy to help and everyone pointed in a different direction.
"Don't mind Purusha he'll get over it,"
"You'll need to make it right with him,"
"Ignore it,"
"Tell him to go to hell."
"Put a note up in the barn and see if anyone else cares."
"Take a hit,"
"You can live at my house,"
"If MaryAnn said you can live with her, you can live with her."
"Hey, can I borrow your car for a few hours?"
....yikes again!!
These people did not seem to know the rules.....must be the pot. I needed to talk to MaryAnn.
MaryAnn assured me it was okay to unpack and left to go down the hill. A few hours later one of the men from the barn showed up to "welcome me." As he helped me hang cast iron pots on the oak tree in the outdoor kitchen he suggested that a brief intimate tryst would go a long way in helping me integrate smoothly into the community. Yikes ......... what were the rules?
Free landFree love
Free food
Free flowing
Unions and disputes
No one drew a line
That someone did not feel
Free to erase.


photos by Neil